The Winter’s Tale
by William Shakespeare
Production Team
Director | Earl McCarroll |
Musical Composer | Polly Pen |
Choreographer | Patricia Gulino |
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Archidamus, a lord of Bohemia | Dale G. Copps |
Camillo, a lord of Sicilia | John Tormey |
Polixenes, King of Bohemia, friend to Leontes | John-Frederick Jones |
Leontes, King of Sicilia | William Wright |
Hermione, Queen to Leontes | Lee McClelland |
Mamillius, a young prince of Sicilia | Bill Meisle III |
Emilia, a lady attending on Hermione | Polly Pen |
Antigonus, senior lord of Sicilia | Richard Sewell |
A Lord of Sicilia | William Hewes |
Paulina, wife to Antigonus, friend to Hermione | Davida Manning |
Tutor to Mamillius | Peter Mellencamp |
Officer of the Court | Dale G. Copps |
Cleomenes, Lord of Sicilia | Matt Kwiat |
Dion, Lord of Sicilia | P. Michael Bourgoin |
Old Shepherd of Bohemia | William Meisle |
His son, a clown | Michael Slade |
Autolycus, a rogue of Bohemia | John H. Fields |
Perdita, daughter to Leontes and Hermione | Patricia Gulino |
Mopsa, Shepherdess | Polly Pen |
Dorcas, Shepherdess | Lois Carlton |
Lords, ladies, shepherds, shepherdesses, satyrs, and a bear | Tom Demenkoff, William Hewes, Dale G. Copps, Lois Carlton, Thomas Duncan Graff, David Harms, Charmian Herd, Peggy Pierce, Peter Mellencamp, Durinda Wood |
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Judith Sewell |
Gabrielle Roseman |
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