The Merchant of Venice
by William Shakespeare

Production Team

Director Ted Davis
Costume Designer Jane Snider
Set and Lighting Designer Wayne Merritt
Stage Manager Marsha Carlson*


The Duke of Venice Eddie Lee Murphy
The Prince of Arragon John R. Little*
The Prince of Morocco Eddie Lee Murphy
Antonio Michael O’Brien*
Bassanio Steve Marvel
Salerio Clive Cholerton
Solanio Greg Hubbard
Gratiano Tom Bloom*
Lorenzo Christopher J. Guilmet
Shylock James Walker*
Tubal John R. Little*
Launcelot Gabbo Benjamin Chelsea
Old Gobbo Greg Hubbard
Portia Lillian Dean
Nerissa Jewel Davis
Jessica Cate Damon*
Balthasar Greg Hubbard
Jailer Clive Cholerton
Servants Paula Sadler, Lisa Wood


equity*Member Actors’ Equity Association.