The Importance of Being Earnest
By Oscar Wilde I Directed by Nathan Winkelstein

“A trivial comedy for serious people.” – Oscar Wilde
Jack and Algernon have chosen to lead double lives to evade the tedium of polite society. However, when they attempt to win the love of two women who declare they will only love a man called Ernest – chaos reigns. The Importance of Being Earnest is a tale of mistaken identities, rapid–fire wit, and cucumber sandwiches. There may not be a funnier, more socially insightful play chock–full of eccentric characters than this masterpiece by Oscar Wilde.


Thursday, July 20, 7:30 p.m. (Preview/Monmouth Night)
Friday, July 21, 7:30 p.m. (Opening Night)
Saturday, July 29, 1:00 p.m.
Saturday, July 29, 7:30 p.m. (Post-Show Discussion to Follow)
Friday, August 4, 7:30 p.m.
Saturday, August 5, 1:00 p.m.
Wednesday, August 9, 7:30 p.m.
Friday, August 11, 1:00 p.m. (Closing Night)

 Production Team

Nathan Winkelstein

Germán Cárdenas Alaminos
Set Designer

Madelaine Foster
Props Supervisor

Scott O’Brien
Sound Designer

Elizabeth Rocha
Costume Designer

Cameron Sarchi
Asst. Stage Manager

Mandy Spartz
Stage Manager

Danie Taylor
Lighting Designer


A.J. Baldwin

Christopher Blonski
Reverend Chasuble

Robbie Harrison

Rebecca Ho

Tracie Lane
Lady Bracknell

Zack Lopez Roa

Christopher Joel Onken

Michael Wood

Jaine Ye
Ms. Prism

From the Director

“What can a poor critic do with a play which raises no principle, whether of art or morals, creates its own canons and conventions, and is nothing but an absolutely willful expression of an irrepressibly witty personality”

These words were written by critic William Archer of The World after the premier of The Importance of Being Earnest, a trivial comedy for serious people, on Valentine’s Day in 1895. Similar sentiments were shared by other critics, including the brilliant playwright George Bernard Shaw who said the play, though “extremely funny,” was Wilde’s “first really heartless [one].” They aren’t wrong. Anyone who searches for hidden depths or truths in this play is bound to either come up empty or become a victim of their own confirmation bias as they stalk the wild goose with the red herring in its beak.

Importance is Funny. The play makes you laugh, it makes you smile and have a good time, and perhaps I differ from these critics, and many modern practitioners because – I think that is OK. Not merely OK, but laudable. No, not every meal can be the delicious dessert of Importance – we need the meat and potatoes of Fences, the gumbo that is Waiting for Godot, the subtle steak of Hamlet. But no culinary experience is truly complete without the sweet digestif that leaves our taste buds coated and our bellies warm.

To say Importance is merely funny misses the point. Unlike so many other plays, Oscar Wilde doesn’t try to make this play anything but funny. This is an artist – one whose life is about to be ruined because he dared to be born homosexual in an era of utter intolerance – screaming to the skies that laughter is an essential ingredient to a life well lived, and that bringing joy to one’s fellow man is worthy.

The world is bonkers right now. Democracy is under attack, our planet is overheating, hate and intolerance invades every school and mall. There is a land war in Ukraine and starvation, displacement and violence everywhere. For this one performance though? Let’s let it go. Let’s accept the beautiful gift Oscar Wilde gave us. Take a deep breath, smile and ‘merely’ enjoy.