What’s your deal? Who are you and what’s your story?
Growing up, I repeatedly and passionately told my parents that I absolutely did not want to become a professional piano player . . . I now work full time as a professional piano player.
I was lucky enough to grow up being exposed to art in all forms, and theater in particular always appealed to me. I’ve worked as a dance teacher, a front-of-house manager, and an actor but music has always drawn me back in.
What most excites you about in taking on this opportunity at TAM?
I grew up only a couple miles away from Cumston Hall. As soon as I was old enough, I started working at TAM. My first “real job” was in the box office here! Working at this theater always feels a little bit like coming home.
Why classic theatre?
I enjoy the challenge of taking something classic and making it fresh and relatable to a modern audience.
Who is your role model, and why?
Music is still such a male-driven industry (take a look in the orchestra next time you see a show; what’s the ratio look like?) that any time I am privileged enough to work with the incredible women in my field I get a little stars truck. Any woman working as a composer, lyricist, orchestrator, music director—they’ve all had to work twice as hard to get there and I have so much admiration for all of them!
You can have dinner with any three powerful women in history. Who would you choose and why?
Mary Wollstonecraft, who is the original feminist badass; Martha Graham, who was so hugely influential in creating a style of art grounded in the human experience; and Amelia Earhart, who would have some crazy stories to tell.
What is your super power?
I can talk down stressed-out directors and actors, with an almost-perfect success rate!
Describe yourself in three alliterative words.
Smart. Sensitive. Snarky.
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