
Fallen Angels | July 16 – August 22

By Noël Coward
Directed by Brendon Fox

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Best friends, Jane and Julia, ‘fell’ seven years earlier when they had affairs with the same dashing Frenchman. Now settled into humdrum marriages, the two pine for passion. With their husbands away for the weekend, the women receive word that their lover has returned. In Coward’s intoxicatingly witty comedy passions soar, spirits fly, and insults are hurled as the women grapple with fidelity and the flush of forbidden fruit.

Production Team

brendonBrendon Fox**
lexLex Liang***
Set & Costume Designer
Stephen Jones***
Lighting Designer

tippin_rew_webRew Tippin
Sound Designer
Jeff Meyers*
Stage Manager
nathan_melissa_webMelissa Nathan*
Asst. Stage Manager


Williamson_Olivia_webOlivia Williamson
Julia Sterroll
JoshJosh Carpenter*
Fred Sterroll
Erica Murphy
Jane Banbury
Sherburne_Jacob_webJacob Sherburne
Willy Banbury
marloweMarlowe Holden
Coughtry_Jordan_webJordan Coughtry*
Maurice Duclos



*Member of Actor’s Equity Association, the union of professional actors and stage managers in the United States.



**Member of Stage Directors and Choreographer’s Society, a national theatrical labor union



***Member of United Scenic Artists, the union of professional theatrical designers in the United States



From the Director

Warning: Independent, smart, passionate women ahead!

In particular, I’m referring to Julia and her best friend Jane. Throughout this play they are from one moment to the next lustful, contrite, witty, childish, childlike, ravenous, prudish, loving, selfish, sharp, naïve, the best of friends and at each other’s throats. In short, they’re human.


Noël Coward loved women. Among his many astonishing achievements, in the first half of the twentieth century he created a number of fascinating and complex women: from Judith Bliss in Hay Fever, to Elvira Condomine in Blithe Spirit, to the iconic Amanda in Private Lives among many others. I would place Julia Sterroll and Jane Banbury in Fallen Angels among the best characters (male or female) Coward ever conceived.


Cowards’ characters revel in wordplay and paradox, and at the same time listen as intensely as they talk. They say and do things that we in the audience may wish we could say to a partner or friend, and we love them for being a little transgressive and naughty. In our modern world which hurtles along at breakneck speed, I hope Fallen Angels allows us to embrace—for a few hours—characters who want to suck the marrow out of every moment in their lives. Their gusto for living reminds me of the words of another smart, fascinating woman, Auntie Mame:


“Life is a banquet and most poor bastards are starving to death!”