Write a Play! Submit your script by May 15, 2013 to be evaluated by local professional theater artists. Three selected finalists will have stage readings of their plays at Cumston Hall, and a grand prize winner will receive $500!
WHO? Maine students, grades 5-12
WHAT? Original 10 Minute Play (grades 5-8) OR One Act Play (grades 9-12)
WHEN? Entries must be postmarked no later than May 15, 2013.
WHERE? Please send three copies of your play and a completed Submission Form to:
Write On! Submissions
Theater at Monmouth
P.O. Box 385
Monmouth, ME 04259
WHY? Make your voice heard! Have your play read by a jury of professional theater artists! Become eligible to win cash and prizes!
One Grand Finalist will win a STAGED-READING and $500
Two Honorable Mention Finalists will each win a STAGED-READING and TAM SEASON PASS
One School with the most submissions (more than 20) will receive a COMPLIMENTARY PERFORMANCE of TAM’s 2013 Shakespeare in Maine Communities Twelfth Night!
Need some help? Ask your teacher or send an email to boxoffice@theateratmonmouth.org. We’ll arrange a time for you to talk to a dramaturg and get the assistance you need!
We look forward to reading your plays!
Made possible by a grant from the Steven and Tabitha King Foundation in 2012, Write On! integrates the art of playwriting into the classroom to enhance student literacy, creative expression, and communication skills. Learn more about Write On!
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