As You Like It
by William Shakespeare

Production Team
Director Ted Davis
Costume Designer Hillary Derby
Lighting Designer David Kaye
Fight Choreographer James L. Walker
Stage Manager Ralph Rosenberg*
Duke Frederick, usurper of his dukedom Richard Sewell*
Rosalind, niece to Duke Frederick Cecile Mann*
Celia, daughter to Duke Frederick Gail Wheeler
Touchstone, a clown James L. Walker*
Le Beau, a courtier Mark Frattaroli
Charles, a wrestler Fredrick Hahn
Oliver, eldest son of Sir Rowland de Boys Jeremiah Kissel*
Orlando, youngest son to Sir Rowland Michael Eugene O’Brien
Adam, servant to Orlando Robert Paret
Duke Senior, exiled Richard Sewell*
Jacques, lord attending on Duke Senior Timothy Wheeler
Corin, a shepherd James Bodge*
Silivus, a shepherd Bill Borenstein
Phoebe, a shepherdess Kim Gordon*
Audrey, a country wench Melissa Hanson
Sir Oliver Martext, a vicar Fredrick Hahn
William, a countryman, in love with Audrey Robert Paret
Sundry, musical nobility in exile Peter Cook, Carol Hedden, Mark Hedden, Barbara Koertge, Jim Le Furgy, Debbie Manning, Wendy Rose, Peter Thompson, Phil Zukas


equity*Member of Actor’s Equity Association.