As You Like It
by William Shakespeare

Production Team
Director Tom Markus
Set Designer Joseph A. Varga
Costume Designer Mary Hayes
Lighting Designer Curt Senie
Fight Choreographer Jan Kirk van der Swaagh
Choreographer Warren Kelley
Duke Frederick, usurper of his dukedom Peter Colford
Rosalind, niece to Duke Frederick Valerine von Volz
Celia, daughter to Duke Frederick Barbara Bratt
Touchstone, a clown Richard Pilcher
Le Beau, a courtier Sam Tsoutsouvas
Charles, a wrestler Richard De Faut
Oliver, eldest son of Sir Rowland de Boys Ray Dooley, James E. Maxwell
Jacques de Boys, second son to Sir Rowland Bronson Alcott Pinchot
Orlando, youngest son to Sir Rowland Robert Walsh
Adam, servant to Orlando William Preston
Dennis, servant to Oliver Timothy Craig
Duke Senior, exiled Nick Savian
Jacques, lord attending on Duke Senior Jack Axelrod
Amiens, lord attending on Duke Senior Jan Kirk van der Swaagh
Corin, a shepherd Glenn Beatty
Silivus, a shepherd Warren Kelley
Phebe, a shepherdess Beth Dunlap
Audrey, a country wench Lynn Cohen
Sir Oliver Martext, a vicar Bronson Alcott Pinchot
William, a countryman, in love with Audrey Timothy Craig
Lords and Ladies Geoff Becker, Timothy Craig, Beth Dunlap,
Warren Kelley, Bronson Alcott Pinchot